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Protect UK babies and mothers

Read the Baby Feeding Law Group submission to the Government consultation:Protecting breastfeeding - Protecting babies fed on formula.

In the UK, nine in ten mothers who gave up breastfeeding within six weeks said they would have preferred to breastfeed for longer, as did 40% of those who breastfed for at least 6 months. Lack of support and aggressive marketing by baby food companies means that formula is too often seen as the answer if a mother has difficulties breastfeeding. Mothers who use formula are denied essential information on how to reduce risks.

According to the Government's own survey, 34% of mothers incorrectly believe that infant formula is the same or almost the same as breastfeeding (ref: Myths stop mothers giving their babies the best start in life). An independent survey found more than a third of mothers thought formula was 'as good' or 'better than' breastmilk (ref: UNICEF/NCT survey). Companies promote their products with 'closer to breastmilk' and other claims that are not permitted under existing regulations (click here).

We think a mother has the right to accurate information about infant feeding free from commercial pressure and should be supported to breastfeed as long as she wishes.

A broad coalition of UK health worker organisations and mother support groups agree and are calling for the UK law on the marketing of formula to be strengthened and enforced. We have until September to convince the Government as it is reviewing the law.

Watch this great cartoon from the National Childbirth Trust, UNICEF and Save the Children tells you more (click on the names to see it on their sites). Watch the cartoon, play the game to help protect babies, then send a message to the Health Minister, Alan Johnson MP.


Wherever you are in the world, you can take action to help protect UK mothers and babies.

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Protect UK babies and mothers

Watch the film and play the game to protect Little Jack.

Action: July - September 2007

In the UK, nine in ten mothers who gave up breastfeeding within six months would have preferred to breastfeed for longer. Lack of support and aggressive marketing by baby food companies means that formula is too often seen as the answer if a mother has difficulties breastfeeding.

According to the Government's own survey, 34% of mothers incorrectly believe that infant formula is the same or almost the same as breastfeeding (ref: Myths stop mothers giving their babies the best start in life). An independent survey found more than a third of mothers thought formula was 'as good' or 'better than' breastmilk (ref: UNICEF/NCT survey). Companies promote their products with 'closer to breastmilk' and other claims that are not permitted under existing regulations.

I think a mother has a right to accurate information about infant feeding free from commercial pressure and she should be supported to breastfeed as long as she wishes

A broad coalition of UK health worker organisations and mother support groups agree and are calling for the UK law on the marketing of formula to be strengthened and enforced.

A great cartoon giving more information has been produced by coalition members the National Childbirth Trust, UNICEF and Save the Children. Watch the cartoon, play the game to help protect babies, then send a message to the Health Minister, Alan Johnson MP.

Find the cartoon and information about other action you can take at :



Ref: "Around nine in ten mothers who breastfed for less than six weeks said that they would have liked to continue longer, this proportion declining to 40% of mothers who breastfed for at least six months." (Page 211 Infant Feeding Survey 2005).
