Ideas for how to set
up a Baby Milk Action Student Group
Well you have the first
step right! Hopefully this will give you some ideas, and if there
are things that have worked for you that I havent included
then please let me know.
Getting recruits
Set up a stall
at your school or university. Preferably in a busy location
- maybe your Student Union or outside the main lecture theatres
(if it isnt gonna rain!). Contact me to get some info
leaflets and postcards sent off to you. These are all free
(although donations are very gratefully received - we can
send you a receipt). People are always keener to approach
stalls if they are colourful, have lots of stuff for them
to take away, and if they have stuff for them to sign. Make
sure you are genned-up a bit on the issues so you can answer
questions. The best idea for getting yourself into the know
is to visit the website
and to order some of the books that I have included on the
resource list. If people have questions that you cant
answer, just offer to find out, and get back to them, or give
them my contact details or the Baby Milk Action office email.
Ask people if they would be interested in joining a Baby Milk
Action Student Group and recieiving more info. and get their
email address.
Set up a speaker
meeting (contact me with possible dates), and advertise it
well! Posters are good you can get templates off of
me or create your own, put an ad in your student media publication/s,
contact student radio and tv, and hand out leaflets if you
are feeling particularly energetic! Then announce the group
at the end of the meeting.
Write an article
on Nestlé and baby milk for your student media publication.
For ideas, info or a template article contact me using the
details below.
Ask within exisiting
campaign groups if anyone would be interested in doing some
specific Nestlé boycott stuff - make sure you dont
make it sound like a splinter group!
Leaflet student
hang-outs with details.
Do a video showing.
The Mark Thomas one or 3D would be good. Maybe in your Student
Union, your Uni, at your house (if you can be sure there wont
be many!), or in a local art-house cinema if you wanna be
ambitious. See speaker meeting section for advertising ideas.
Ask me to send
you details of other contacts in your area (
Find out if your
Union has a specific campaigns budget. If you already have
a boycott in place there may be a fund for promoting the boycott.
And if you have a refurendum coming up there should be a Union
campaign budget. Approach you Union manager.
You could ask
existing campaigning groups if they would mind financing Nestlé
boycott stuff - it wont be much, just some materials
and books, tv and video hire (it may be free through your
Union), initial merchandise orders (you make the money back
through sales - this is a good money raiser near Xmas), and
other campaigning costs.
Apply for a societies
grant through your Union or Uni - approach your finance officer
or general manager for details. If you want help with creating
a grant application please contact me.
Try to affiliate
to Baby Milk Action - it costs £50 for a group - to
help the wider campaign and to receive members mailings. You
can also join as an individual for £7 (waged membership
is £18).
Hold a merchandise
stall. Order through Baby Milk Action at a discounted rate
for affiliated student groups. Then set up a stall and keep
the profits to help set up your group.
Then order the campaign pack (or download it from,
set up an email list (most email providers give you the ability
to make lists), and arrange the first meeting! If you are
worried about chairing the meeting and want some ideas contact
me. Then vote on a committee (if you want to be formal or
if the Union requires it) often there is a president, secretary
(takes minutes), treasurer and publicity officer as a minimum.
Baby Milk Action Student
c/o Beth Brockett, 58 Dover St, Norwich NR2 3LQ.