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Baby Milk Action

Email update : 23 April 2010

  • UK General Election - ask candidates to sign the Baby Milk Action pledge
  • Nestlé sponsors London Marathon to undermine boycott and promote 'pure life' bottled water
  • Baby Milk Action and Greenpeace at the Nestlé AGM

UK General Election

Thanks to our Make a Mark campaign, there is still a chance to strengthen the UK law for baby milk marketing. An independent review panel recently reported on the law and called on the Government to 'take steps' to address problems.

But we don't know who will form the Government after the election on 6 May.

Election flier

So we have written to the main party leaders asking them to pledge to bring the UK law into line with international standards.

You can download our leaflet for when candidates come calling to ask them to make the same pledge, or send an email using our suggested message. Let us know when candidates make the pledge. See:

London Marathon - Protect Life

The London Marathon this year is being sponsored by Nestlé to undermine the boycott and promote its 'Pure Life' brand of bottled water.

Nestlé launched Pure Life in Pakistan in 1999 in a controversial campaign and had to stop bottling it in Brazil after community protests over the environmental harm being caused.

Protect life

You can find our press release and a new leaflet to raise awareness of the boycott over baby milk and the controversy over Nestlé's bottled water business. See:

Nestlé shamed at AGM

Baby Milk Action took its campaign to Nestlé's shareholder meeting on 15 April and asked for help in stopping Nestlé promoting its baby milk with the claim that it 'protects' babies. The Nestlé Chief Executive Officer, Paul Bulcke, defended the strategy and dismissed criticisms.

Shareholders were warned by Baby Milk Action that such obstinate defence of an obviously dangerous practice will only fuel the boycott. We certainly need more pressure to persuade Nestlé to change this global strategy, which Nestlé admitted it is using in 120 countries. See our Make a Mark campaign if you want to do more to help.

Our press release has more information and includes a film clip of Greenpeace abseiling through the roof to raise their concerns over Nestlé sourcing palm oil from Indonesia where rainforest is destroyed for its production, contributing to climate change and endangering orang-utans. See:

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