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Baby Milk Action

Email update : 10 February 2012

Email campaign : Stop Nestlé Chairman's proposed honorary degree

A Canadian university plans to give Nestlé's Chairman an honorary degree on 1 March for his action on water.

The announcement comes just two weeks after Nestlé was taken to court in Switzerland for spying on a campaign group.

The group was exposing Nestlé's harmful water exploitation and other practices, including its baby milk marketing violations and trade union busting.

Least Ethical Company award

Nestlé has received more appropriate honours. Above, The "Least Ethical Company" Award from readers of Ethical Consumer Magazine.

To send an email to the University of Alberta, go to the website of the Council of Canadians:

For Baby Milk Action's press release with background information and a reminder of some of the shaming awards Nestlé has received, see:

The press release includes quotes and images for journalists.

Online course on monitoring the baby food industry : second module available for Baby Milk Action and IBFAN members

The second module in Baby Milk Action's online course on monitoring the baby food industry is now available to members of Baby Milk Action and IBFAN. The first two modules are free to members.

The wider public will be able to subscribe to the course once all modules are available.

Monitoring is key to our work. Just this week we stopped an internet retailer running infant formula promotions on its website and advertisement across the web, thanks to evidence gathered by monitoring.

The topic of this module is:

The History and Current State of the Code.

It looks at how the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitues came into being and what has happened since to give it force in legislation.

There is a special section on the situation in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

The course consists of film clips, online reading, quizzes and a powerpoint presentation.

There are also links to historic documents, such as the letter from Nestlé describing the draft Code and "unacceptable" and "irrelevant and unworkable".

Nestlé has since claimed the Code was based on its own proposals!

For further information and to access the course, see:

You will also find instructions for registering with the site if you are a member of Baby Milk Action or IBFAN and have not yet done so already.

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